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Taxes Don't Display


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Hi, I hope someone can point me in the right direction!


I am using easy populate and can now get prices to include the sales tax. I really want prices separate with taxes to be added at the end.


If I set Display Prices With Tax to false, taxes just don't show up anywhere.


Thank you for the help!



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They should show up at the end, in check out. You have to set the values to certain states also. Try going under Locations/Taxes, if you havent already, and set up your taxes. After that try purchasing something, and see if your taxes work then. They will only work, if you are from one of the states, that you set Taxes up in, under Admin HTH

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Thanks for the reply!


Under Location /Taxes I have setup the following:


Tax Zones: (Zone Name= New York)

Tax Classes: (Tax Class Title=Taxable Goods)

Tax Rates: (Priority=0, Tax Class=Taxable Goods, Zone=New York, Tax Rate=8.25%)


Again, I am Using Easy Populate, so I wonder if I missed something somewhere to stop this functionality. I have tried many things, searching for info everywhere, any help is greatly appreciated!


thanks, Alan

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