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Changing "2 CheckOut" Text?


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Does anyone know if there is a way to change the way the payment option is named on my payment page? Instead of clicking a radio button next to "2 CheckOut", I'd really prefer it if the option was titled "Visa/Mastercard" or "Credit Card". Is it possible to change the name of it? I tried to do it myself but didn't do it properly and got some error messages so I changed it back. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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You can change the text in the language files of the payment module:




There you find variables like: MODULE_PAYMENT_2CHECKOUT_TEXT_TITLE

(I don't know this for sure that is called that since I do not have that module installed)


Just change the yourlanguage to the languages you are using. english, german, french, spanish...etc etc. And yourpayment module is of course the module that want to have a different text.


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Thank you! The only problem is that I seem to be changing the wrong part or doing it wrong or something. I changed the _2CHECKOUT_ to _CREDIT_CARD_ and it showed up on the page as




Instead of just "Credit Card".


I don't know anything about php, I can follow instructions and that's about all I can do with it.


Thank you for your respsone & help, I really appreciate it.

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