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Edit InfoBox


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I want to take all the corners out of the infobox, can any tell me how I can do this?


Thanks guys,


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Open up an infobox file (includes/boxes/). Find a line that looks like this:


new infoBoxHeading($info_box_contents, false, false);


It could say this:


new infoBoxHeading($info_box_contents, true, false);


if it says "true" then you'll get rounded corners. Change all instances of true to false. Repeat for each infobox file.


Make yourself some coloured small infobox graphics to suit. Save them into /images/infobox/ - or just use transparent .gif files.

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or an even easier way is use osCommerce pixel_trans.gif and rename it and place it in the folder where the corners are kept catalog/images/infobox and probelm is solved nice solid border no ugly corners no red x

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