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Site modifications and SSL certificate?


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Hi everyone,

I am just setting up my online business right now and so far this is where I am at.




It is just the default layout right now, but once I get more familiar I will creat my own skin.


Anyways, what I am looking to do is:

#1 - On the left side, move Information above quick find.

#2 - On the right side, remove the Reviews, Languages, and Currency boxes.

And #3 - is To just change the purple bars to blue, I assume I can do that by editing the images?


Lastly, is the SSL certificate, once I move my shop onto the live domain and hosting, how do I go about getting an SSL certificate and how is it set up?


Thanks very much guys,


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#1 - open includes/column_left.php and move the the code that says

require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'information.php');

above the code for the search.


#2 - open the includes/column_right.php file and find the code for those boxes, like

  require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'reviews.php');

and change it to

  // require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'reviews.php');

or just delete the code altogether.


#3 - Most of the colors are controlled by the stylesheet.css file. You change them there. However some, like the title bars for the boxes, use images. Those are in images/infobox/ and you will need to use an image editor to change the color.


Some hosts have shared ssl's, which means you can use their certificate. Otherwise, you need to purchase one. There are many places around. I think godaddy has one now for $50/year.



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You should be able to just remove the code that links to the review.php code. AFAIK, the only place that is is on the produt page, although I could be wrong. Search all of the files in catalog for


Removing that link should do the trick. Backup your files before making such changes in case a mistake is made.



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