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Problem with admin section


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Hey everybody,

I just pushed well over 2000 products on my site and have started experiencing slowdowns in my admin section. My catalog seems to be working fine though it feels a lil sluggish at times. Are there steps I can take to optimize the mysql processes without putting my site in jeopardy or harming any contribs I installed?


Is there a theoritical limit to how many products osCommerce can handle efficiently or is it the server and its hardware that would be the limitation and not osCommerce?


The reason I ask is because in the future, my store is going to be having thousands more product and I want to know if osCommerce can handle it well enough or should I look into an alternative solution.


Any help or info regarding this matter would be greatly appreciated!

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While I am sure that there are some limitations to performance in the osc code as well as the current version of mySQL and its query language, the majority of your performance issues will come from the hardware you are running on. If you are running into serious performance issues with the more products you add, I would first look into what hardware I was running on. Especially if you are on a shared host, where you may be sharing that server with 100s of other sites. I have seen stores with 10000+ items that run extremely fast, and I have seen sites with 1000 items that run extremely slow.

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Well I'm running a VPS at VPSColo and here are my server stats:


Free Space

4 GB

Minimum Guaranteed RAM

128 MB

Maximum RAM

4 GB

Minimum Guaranteed CPU

150 Mhz+


2 X 2.4 Ghz (Dual Xeon)

VPSs per CPU

< 16


Would these stats do okay? If not, can you give me some stats I should look for in the event I need to upgrade to a better server?

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Sizing hardware is a difficult question. While you should be fine with that config, it can all depend on how the other sites hosted on that server utilize resources and how the host has the VPS configured. Remember your host is going to try and get the most for their money out of each server. For example when they say <16 VPSs per CPU they probably mean =15 to 16. Catch what I am saying.


With that said. If you are not experiencing problems on the catalog side of things I would not think that it is a hardware issue though. Are you using SSL to access the admin area? If so try not to use SSL for admin as this can add extra overhead to the server.


There are ways to optimize mySQL, like setting indexes on tables and using query caching so that the server does not have to rerun each query if the results are going to be the same.

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lots of this also tie in with what you are doing in the admin area. if you have lots of attributes, this can be a killer. also, do you have access/control over your php.ini? sometimes, you may have what appear to be killer settings for the server, yet your php.ini setting may be set at 8 mb max_memory and the timeouts are set low. if you have access to the shell, you need to monitor the 'top' command. check your server access and error logs, see if there are abnormalities in there, especially the error log. i just finished one for a client last week, their error log was getting hit with one error per second due to misconfigurations on the host side of the system. that is a lot of overhead on a server.

lots more to consider when you are troubleshooting this type of problem.

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I just checked my errors logs and I have this error appearing throughout my error logs:

chmod: changing permissions of `/home/anime/public_html//images/imagecache': Operation not permitted


Any idea what the problem could be? :blink:


I see the double slashes in there and I think that could be the problem, but where would I start to look to fix such a problem?


Thanks for all the help so far. I'm going to implement all your suggestions as soon as possible.

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5 secs is to long. This parse time is how long it takes for PHP/mySQL to generate the page. The time it takes for your browser to load the page and the images from the server is a different issue. Most likely mysql configuration or load. You can do some things like turn off category counts, add indexes, enable cache for cats/mfgs but I doubt you can get 5s down to 0.5s.

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mySQL and my web server are on the same machine. My category counts were disabled. When I enable caching, the category section of my layout gets misaligned.


What is this about indexing? Would it help tremendously? Also I found a contrib about faster page load times and less DB queries. Should I give it a shot?


The only error I receive are the ones I posted on the page before about chmodding the imagecache directory or something like that.

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you need to setup your folders properly in the admin section to match your document root folder paths for the cache which is defaulted to /tmp

before installing anything else i would fix this problem first

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I'm going to look that thread you supplied about my.cnt and see what I can derive from it.


Mibble - what do you mean? I have standard root osc installation. How would I go about doing what you suggested?


I'm going to get in touch with my host and see what they can do for me.

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