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Parse Error on line 54


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Parse error: parse error in /home/rydel/public_html/index.php on line 54


Line 54 reads:

define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Let's See What We Have Here');


How do I fix this?

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define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Let\'s See What We Have Here');


There has been a backslash removed from the code, this can be a result of using the inline file manager to edit a file it is a known issue and the resolve is to use an ftp program such as ws_ftp to download the file and edit offline then ftp upload to the server.


You may find that the parse error appears again at a different line number

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Which file? To make this easier for you, I would recommend getting a good ftp utility, such as WS_FTP, download the site to your pc, get an editor (search on google for one or use notepad) then make your changes there. Once you have made an edit upload them. Parse errors are caused by failing to properly quote a line of text, failing to escape nested quotes, failing to have a ; at the end of a line. Not to be rude, but you really need to look at the code yourself and try and determine what is causing an error.


On another note there are no errors in that line of code. Read the error, it will tell you which file is causing the problem. Then go to that file, look at the lines above an below the line number to determine if there is an error. If you are new to PHP I would recommend getting a good PHP book to help you learn. People here are willing to help, but you also have to be willing to help yourself.

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