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The e-commerce.

Drako.it - Store completely renewed


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Very nice!


I liked how you could set the quantity added to the cart right from the item itself.


Is there going to be a banner ad or something up top? There's so much space up there that you could use.

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Very nice!


I liked how you could set the quantity added to the cart right from the item itself.


Is there going to be a banner ad or something up top? There's so much space up there that you could use.

there will be some graphics improvement in the blanc (white) area at the top, but i don't know how atm...


do u really like it? i appreciate that. Any suggestion for improving?

my contribution: Alex's Contributions

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I like it! Very smooth, clear, and consise. Nicely done! :D

Thx a lot! I'm trying to add a little contrib right now, for adding a brief description under the product name, but it's a pian cause i've made a lot of change to the code...


U wouldn't change anything right now?

my contribution: Alex's Contributions

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i get lots of

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it is nice but it seem very slow to me :confused?

i've a 10 Mbit connection, and everything is on a AMD 3200+, SCSI Disk and so on. Here (italy) is very fast, from every connection (56K - ISDN - ADSL etc etc), Maybe the dorsal to your country atm isn't going so fast, or is just you connection? Is slow to other user too?

my contribution: Alex's Contributions

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hmm very nice graphics. hard to do ?

is the voting box a contribution?


have any tip on how to have the mainareatext scolled like some boxes have?





kenneth s


not so difficult at all for me: it's just very annoing to make oscommerce fit the template i like most.


i dont understan the "scolled"part of your question. The poll in the right column is a contrib, pollbooth_v2.1.


I'm considering let everione have the code i used for my site, but without graphics. maybe usefull?

my contribution: Alex's Contributions

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hello drako;


scroling part-question...

i think its hard to get a decent look of the mainarea (middle part of store) depending on how long the welcometext etc is..so i was wondering if someone have made a contrib or hack that makes it possible to scroll the mainarea text in a box/window like the ones made for left/right_column-boxes...

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ok i am a newbie so for me its difficult ;)

so do you know how to simple make it happen?

maybe start with som newscrollcontrib, edit it and attch it to some file ahndling the mainare? is that index.php file?

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Great Site drako,


veramente un ottimo sito drako......effettivamente ? un p? lento...anche qui in italia............ho una adsl..........it is a little bit slow also here in italy!!!


What you use for catalog drop menu?

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  • 2 weeks later...

From my point of view anyway? Im about to take a couple of weeks hols and then get cracking on my comp?s new site. Im going 2 be using sites like yours as inspiration for what can be achieved. A look at your source code could save me hundreds of hours?


I guess much of what u have implemented with be release in MS3 but I cant wait until then. I think half the community spends most of their time implementing the same standard cont?s and hacks?


If no-one else would find it useful I sure as hell know I would!


Well done anyways !



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