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The e-commerce.

osCommerce Architecture


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I am looking for an overall architecture of osCommerce or the framework of osCommerce. For what i knows, osCommerce consists of FrontEnd and BackEnd.


However, it's still insufficient, would like to know more detailed osCommerce's architecture. thus, i am seeking anyone here to let your hands.


Thanks a lot... looking forward to have more information.

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osCommerce is a PHP-based e-commerce solution. It utilizes a mySQL database on the backend, however, with some programming you can get it to connect to other dbs. It can be completely customized to pretty much whatever you like. The level of customization is only limited by the time and effort you put forward. As for architecture, it is composed of over 100 files (I have never counted all of them personally) written primarily in PHP with some HTML. It can be hosted on a Unix or Windows based server, while Unix is preferred and the easiest to implement on. Apache is the preferred web server to run on, however, it can be modified to run on IIS.


That is pretty much it. Like I said in my previous post, see the documentation and knowledge base on customizing.


See also




This gives a brief overview of what osCommerce is.


As it is an open source program there is limited documentation outside the internet and support is offered through these forums.

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