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Simple SQL help needed!


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Ok, I am a beginer at PHP, but have a little SQL knoweldge.


I'm simply wanting to select a field from a table. The table is called 'sources' a simply 2 collums table with sources_name and sources_id.


I'm wanting to print the sources_name vlaue given sources_id value.


This is what I've tried:


$my_query = tep_db_query("select sources_name from sources where sources_id = '6'");

<?php echo $my_query; ?>


This brings back Resource id #5, which I know (via google) is because I'm missing a step in the PHP, but I can't figure it out! :(


Many thanks for the help!


(PS The sources contrib is #1888/, but I'm wanting to use the results in other sections of the admin.)

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Try this piece of code not tested and not syntax checked....


$my_query = tep_db_query("select sources_name from sources where sources_id = '6'");
while ($my_array = tep_db_fetch_array($my_query)) {
  $my_sources = $my_array['sources_name'];
   echo "got $my_sources";



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