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Language category problem


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hi there ,




How can I find get access to categories_description DataBase ,cuz i have a problem when i write in catregory description in arabic ther is some symbols not displayed correcttly ,


i searched here & i get a familiar problem & the solution was ...



Go to the categories_description Data Base and change the categories_name type to a bigger varchar. varchar(255) should be more than enough.


Russian language, like hebrew, greek, arabic... use differente characters, that are store as numeric values, taking more space for each letter.






but i'm newbie in database , site developer & this script for sure



any help'll be approciate


thnx alot in advance



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anyhelp .... anyanswer


i mean



How I can get access to categories_description DataBase ,cuz i have a problem when i write in catregory description in arabic ther is some symbols not displayed correcttly ,

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