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The e-commerce.

British Columbia Tax Zone


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For some reason, I do the necessary step to add GST to Canadian orders; which works and detects properly. I do the same process for PST (provincial, BC orders) and no matter what, it won't add PST to BC orders.


Any suggestions?

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I don't have a direct answer to this question but maybe a suggestion.


I have set up my site as home based in Ontario. Same tax situation as yours, 7% GST and 8% PST. I set all Provinces up to show an item called "Sales Tax". The rate I have set for Ontario is 15% rather than two separate ones.


I figure if a person has enough smarts to purchase online, the also have enough smarts to know what their total tax commitment is in their home Province.


I guess you could call this is the "lazy man's way." :)

Vince Herchmer

Alberta, Canada

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