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trying to change title field in orders_total


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Hi -


I can't seem to figure out how this field gets populated. Right now in my invoice the shipping method is listed, for example, like this:


USPS (Shipping to Maryland, United States ?):


I want to change this to read, simply:


Ground Shipping:


... but I can't track down exactly how this field gets populated. I think it's ... well ... I got as far as looking in the order_total class, but this didn't get me very far. Anyone have a hint?


Any assistance is greatly appreciated, thanks -



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I know this is a boring topic. Or maybe my question wasn't clear before...


How does the orders_total table get populated?



How can I change it so that rather than getting populated with content like:


USPS (Shipping to Maryland, United States ?):


...it gets populated with something much simpler, like:





Any help is greatly appreciated -



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Did you end up finding the solution for this. I am having a lot of trouble trying to figure this out!


Any help would be really appreciated.

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Alright, I've got this lovely web site up and running, my client is terribly happy with the whole thing - except that every shipment that goes out has this same problem. Which is:


The 'title' field in orders_total, which ends up on the shipping page, says something like:


USPS (Shipping to Maryland, United States ):


...and the client want this to say something like:


Ground Shipping:


I feel silly about this, but I've tried mighty hard to find where this text comes from and I haven't found it. A search of the database turns up nothing, and a full-text search of the catalog/ directory turns up nothing, either.


I'm feeling like a crazy person. Does anyone know where this text comes from?


Thanks for any help or pointers,



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Thank goodness, I found this darned thing. It's in the language file for whichever shipping module you're using. I'd actually already checked this - but I thought I was using zones shipping, and I was using some other thing. Anyway, the verbage (in my specific case) is in:




The 'define' to change is







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