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The e-commerce.

Admin Panel links broken


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I am completly new to osCommerce, and have searched the forum for an answer to this question - but either can't think of the right words to search - or have goofed up something noone has ever done before :o


We recently set up osCommerce - most of the work was done by our webhost. I installed a couple of contribs - one for our creditcardmerchant and forcessl. I'm not sure which broke our links, but I have retraced my steps for both and can't find something I did wrong.

The problem is this:

When we click on a link in the admin panel like "configuration" or "catalog" the link in the address bar has a variable in it

looks like this:


instead of


(and we get a "Page cannot be displayed" page)

If we manually change the link in the address bar - we can get to the pages we wanted, but all the images are x'd out boxes and it is not easy to use anymore.

SO... if this is a missing semicolon somewhere - or somthing equally silly, can anyone tell me where to look? I have searched all the files I think I updated with the contribs, but don't find a variable ws_dir_admin - if that is a variable that is...

Any help would be greatly appriciated!

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If the WS_DIR_ADMIN is your problem check /catalog/admin/includes/configure.php and make sure you have the directory paths set properly first.


For example:


  define('DIR_WS_ADMIN', '/catalog/admin/'); // absolute path required
 define('DIR_FS_ADMIN', '/home/nexuspcc/public_html/catalog/admin/'); // absolute pate required

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I guess i must have deleted those lines, as they did not exist...

I dont' know how I did... but am grateful that you showed me where they were supposed to be!

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