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The e-commerce.

New guy on the block


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Ok, a newbie question. I have oscommercie installed on the server by my host and I can access it, even add products etc.


where can I find any documenation on how to customize my site. Add banner pictures etc. Anything for a newbie to read or ?


Where do you go to customize your page?


Thanks for any help?



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Your home page gives you information on how to edit some. Also, look at the links on the top right of this page for more documentation. Other than that, start adding products and reading this forum. You will see posts here that will make you think "Hey, I like that, I'll give it a try.."

Contributions I used : Updated 06-13-04 23:42


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Ok, a newbie question. I have oscommercie installed on the server by my host and I can access it, even add products etc.


where can I find any documenation on how to customize my site. Add banner pictures etc. Anything for a newbie to read or ?


Where do you go to customize your page?


Thanks for any help?



Here is your answers bro


OSCommerce Information documentation here!



Always remember, we need patience, guidance and most of all understanding.


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Yikes, maybe I'm in the wrong league. I need to know where to start.


What is the concept for adding an image at the top of my store?


am I to edit an html page? or?

go somewhere where I can stylize my pages for the store?


are there templates that can be bought that are almost there?


I went to design layout in the knowledge base and didn't come back with much.


I was told to use osCommerce by my host as he said it is very good, but is not

a user. he has it working, but now I need to edit and set up?



I am at the beginning of the learning curve.


Thanks again



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There's no learning curve here, it's a CLIFF.

Do not use file manager it WILL Corupt your files, use an FTP client.

Change colors, font etc. in stylesheet.css

Header: Catalog/includes/languages/english/header.php or spec lang

I believe near the end in this file you will find something like 468x50, its a name, change the 50 to 60

Theres templates avail

what ever you do BACK IT UP FIRST!!!!!!!Trust me!



Good Luck



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