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How to use tax zones and classes?


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Could anyone explain to me how the tax zones work? I know how to set this up but I couldn't find any options when I enter new products. Also, is it possible to have more than one tax classess in one tax zones?

I would appreciate it for any help!

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In this example, I'll use two states. Florida, and Virginia. For VA, the tax rate will be 5%, and for Florida, the tax rate will be 0%.


Under Administration, go to Locations/Taxes and select Tax Zones. I deleted my default stuff, I think Florida was the default folder. Anyhow, click the insert button. Under Zone Name, enter Virginia. I didn't use anything for the description. Then click insert, and this will give you a Virginia folder.


Select Tax Rates under Locations/Taxes. Click new tax rate. I didn't mess with the Tax Class Titles, so leave the default. Under the Zone drop down, make sure you have Virginia selected. Enter a Tax Rate of 5, and click insert.


Repeat the above for Florida, entering 0 for the Tax Rate. That should do it. I'm still messing around with this before I add osCommerce as a solution, so I haven't used this in practice yet. I did create two test users however, one from Virginia and one from Florida. When I go through the motions of a fake purchase, VA residents are taxed at 5% and FL resident at 0% so it appears to work

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I forgot an important step (won't let me edit my reply :angry: ). Replace first paragraph with the below.


Under Administration, go to Locations/Taxes and select Tax Zones. I deleted my default stuff, I think Florida was the default folder. Anyhow, click the insert button. Under Zone Name, enter Virginia. I didn't use anything for the description. Then click insert, and this will give you a Virginia folder. Then click the Virginia folder. Click insert. Select United States for Country. Select Virginia for Zone.

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