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Hrmf.. My live site a little problem!


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Hello all!



I have a minor problem, think I moded my shop to much :-)


When I click on search "s?k" at the top left corner I get a java script error, the advanced results screen shows up but I cannot click on the search help "s?k hj?lp" link so that the pop up window opens.


The language is swedish :-), but this doesnt matter!


Tried to put the original catalog/(advanced_search_result.php , advanced_search and popup_image.php popup_search_help.php) (includes/general.js) back to my shop but didnt help.




Any Ideas???



have a look!






Can someone give me a hint on what could be wrong!

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seems to be working fine. I get no error whatsoever when searching. I can fdind the 's?k hj?lp' that you were talking about though????

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Thanks for testing, my site is down just now :-(


But the error is still there, you can search but you cannot click on the search help "s?k hj?lp" because nothing happens , a pop up should occur which tells you how to do an advanced search!

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