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*Strange* left column sometime?s big


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Hi @all,


first a big compliment to osCommerce for this great, free product and

I apologise for my bad english!! :-)))))


When I visit my index.php for about 5-10%(The error is reproduceable with F5 Refresh) the left column is about 250-300 px big. The strange on this thing is, if I catch the SourceCode in my browser(Abolimba and IE) the left table(for column) is set to 170(my Value). If I catch the sourcecode, and paste the source in an editor, this effect didn`t ocourse, the site is pretty normal?-))))

This didn?t effect ocourse on the same products!( It?s allways a other product)


Maybe this error is a side effect off IE/Abolimba.


Who can help me





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Hi I also have a prob - my right column is wider than the left. Now I realise it is because of the long text in the bestsellers but how can Iensure the two sides are even I would like it to go on to the next line that way the column length would also be more equal.

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many THX for your help !


finally I figured out why(some parts). It was a good idea to successive switch off some boxes in the left collumn, so it was the search-box. When I switched on the search-box the problem arrives. Now comes the harder part:


In the search-box is a table with BOX-WITH-30 px. -> When I switch this to 100% the problem is gone. I didn?t understand wy, cause when the problem occourse, the BOX WITH is 170-30 ?-)))





I had a look on your page, and it seems to me that you have a problem with your path?es, or you host your page in a private network. If you want this, don?t matter.


regards bigbull



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Sorry there was a prob but should be fixed now.


My Webpage


Any ideas of how to make the two sides even?


Also when I make changes in stylesheet I dont see them straigjht awway I know it has something to do with dumping the cache?! but I dont know what this means or how to go about fixing the prob


Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Hi @henya,



first of all, pls have a look on your header!! There is something wrong with your Link. You have comment it out, but it bugs your rest of html.


The column is so big cause your browser is not able to divide the long Word ->


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in smaller things. I think the best and easiest way, is to insert spaces between your slashes -> so the browser can easy break the rows


The harder way, is to insert a new column in your products table, called for example short_product_name and display this in your Bestsellers_box


Hope that I have helped you with my bad english ;)


If you have any further questions, you can mail me on mailto:[email protected]

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