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The e-commerce.

Moving sites


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I've been working on a site for a guy for awhile now, and I set it up on a random directory in my current site so he could start moving in his inventory along with pictures. Now we've got his perminant host set up and I need a good way to move everything over. I can't just backup the database because it was set up on the same database as several other programs are using and it's still tied to my site.

Perhaps there is some way to point it at that database when intstalling oscommerce?


Any help is appreciated.... I could certanly use it.

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Well if you can't backup the DB in full, then you need to do it per table. phpMyAdmin allows you to hold CTRL and select only the tables you want to dump the data/structure for. It won't get any easier than that if you have other tables intermingled within the same DB.

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To dump the table, use SELECT * INTO OUTFILE 'file_name' FROM tbl_name.

To reload the table, use and restore with LOAD DATA INFILE 'file_name' REPLACE ... To avoid duplicate records, the table must have a PRIMARY KEY or a UNIQUE index. The REPLACE keyword causes old records to be replaced with new ones when a new record duplicates an old record on a unique key value.

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