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The e-commerce.

"In Stock"/"Out of Stock"


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I want to update my site so that it displays whether an item is "In Stock" or "Out of Stock" as you look at it in product_info.php (and perhaps also on the product list as you browse the categories). Saving the customer the hassle of adding it to the cart, only to get an "Out of Stock" message.


I don't want to display quantities (the option in the osCommerce admin tool) - there should be some secrets in a relationship!


Any suggestions for a good, simple contribution, or code change?


Also, how can I stop osCommerce changing the product status to "red" (i.e. removed from the catalogue) when the stock runs out? I want it to stay "green" (i.e. in the catalogue) at all times.



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Try this:


 <?php ? if ((STOCK_CHECK == 'true')&&(tep_get_products_stock($product_info['products_id']) < 1)) {
? ? ?<tr>
? ? ? <td><span class="markProductOutOfStock"><b><?php echo 'Out of Stock'; ?></b></span></td>
? ? ?</tr>
} else {
? ? ?<tr>
? ? ? <td><span class="markProductOutOfStock"><b><?php echo 'In Stock'; ?></b></span></td>
? ? ?</tr>




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Under includes/languages/english/product_info.php I have added this to the front of the existing text and shows up when you set an estimated in stock date.


define('TEXT_DATE_AVAILABLE', '<font color="#ff0000"><font size="2">OUT OF STOCK<BR></font>



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Matti: What file does your code go into and where?


I usually have my quanitity stock in admin set at a real high number (just in case!) and have set in admin under Configuration, check stock level = False, subtract stock = False, mark product out of stock = blank.



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Matti:? What file does your code go into and where?


I usually have my quanitity stock in admin set at a real high number (just in case!) and have set in admin under Configuration, check stock level = False, subtract stock = False, mark product out of stock = blank.



The code I posted would go in product_info.php - for product_listing use the $listing variable (from index.php) rather than $product_info - it would also need to be formatted differently (loop)


The above could be used elsewhere also - just make sure you have the correct $variable['products_id'] - eg. in specials.php you would use $specials from the $specials_query :)


You can place the code anywhere on the page - eg. immediately after:


 ? ? ?<tr>
? ? ? ?<td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
? ? ? ? ?<tr>
? ? ? ? ? ?<td class="pageHeading" valign="top"><?php echo $products_name; ?></td>
? ? ? ? ? ?<td class="pageHeading" align="right" valign="top"><?php echo $products_price; ?></td>
? ? ? ? ?</tr>
? ? ? ?</table></td>
? ? ?</tr>



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  • 2 weeks later...
Also, how can I stop osCommerce changing the product status to "red" (i.e. removed from the catalogue) when the stock runs out? I want it to stay "green" (i.e. in the catalogue) at all times.

Any thoughts on this? Thanks

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  • 1 month later...

With much delay, many thanks to Matti for the solution above, I've finally got that code added - excellent!


I also found a solution to the products not appearing in the catalogue once they are out of stock - can someone reassure me that i won't have a bigger problem in the future from this.


I've made this change in checkout_process.php, around line 152...


if ( ($stock_left < 1) && (STOCK_ALLOW_CHECKOUT == 'false') ) {
         tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " set products_status = '1' where products_id = '" . tep_get_prid($order->products[$i]['id']) . "'"); //set_products_status was 0


This seems to stop the product being switch to "out of stock" status in the admin panel (when the red light comes on), and so it stays in the catalogue.


Is this a good solution? No hidden problems that I'll suffer in the future?



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Ok, another update.


I've just adapted Matti's code so that it can be used in the product listing to give an "In Stock"/"Out of Stock" message, replacing the Quantity column.


Wrapped it up into a contribution (hope you don't mind).


Find it here.

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Try this:


 <?php ? if ((STOCK_CHECK == 'true')&&(tep_get_products_stock($product_info['products_id']) < 1)) {
? ? ?<tr>
? ? ? <td><span class="markProductOutOfStock"><b><?php echo 'Out of Stock'; ?></b></span></td>
? ? ?</tr>
} else {
? ? ?<tr>
? ? ? <td><span class="markProductOutOfStock"><b><?php echo 'In Stock'; ?></b></span></td>
? ? ?</tr>




Why use tep_get_products_stock? You're simply adding an unnecessary query to the page.


The count is already called on that page. A better solution would be something like:


<?php   if ((STOCK_CHECK == 'true')&&($product_info['products_quantity'] < 1)) {

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  • 10 months later...

If the item has stock and has a in stock date, how would I show the date?


$lc_align = 'center';
if ((STOCK_CHECK == 'true')&&($listing[$x]['products_quantity'] < 1)) {
$lc_text = '<span class="markProductOutOfStock"><b>Out of Stock</b></span>';
} else {
if ($listing[$x]['products_date_available'] > date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) {
$lc_text = '<span class="markProductOutofStock"><b>In Stocx ' . tep_date_long($listing[$x]['products_date_available']) . '</b></span>';
} else {
$lc_text = '<span class="markProductOutofStock"><b>In Stock</b></span>';

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