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The e-commerce.

Can't edit default products


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Hi all,

I have osCommerce installed localhost on my Win98se system, running apache, php, mysql support from a production platform called Merlin. Everything appears to be ok, except when I try to edit products that came with osCommerce.

When I go into configuration and catalog, and click on the small yellow folder beside a category - hardware, software, dvd movies - I see this:


"Fatal error: Call to undefined function: array_map() in includes/functions/general.php on line 1293"


The weird thing is when I go to localhost and see the store live I can access the products and descriptions and add them to cart fine, but in admin in catalog, I can't even see them anywhere. The closest is on the right side it says, "subcategories 8, products 6" but I don't know how to get into the products to edit them.


Can anyone help me please? I've spent over 3 days installing and reinstalling oscommece and apache and there's no change.


I'm really tired of this.

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