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Broken Images.....


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Hey guys, ive just installed OSC, and ive been trying to fix this for like 3 days now.


Whats happening is, the language images arent showing, for example the add to cart button, buy now button, the magnifying glass etc. All these images come from /includes/languages/images. I have SSL enabled, and am using a shared GeoTrust certificate. Thanks.



URL for Store : SO-LO Prices Store

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First and foremost, remove your install directory in your root path. CHMOD you config file to 444 or 644 to eliminate anyone from being able to make edits or execut damaging scripts.


As for the images it is a relative path issue found in your config.php file under your catalog/includes/config.php file


Check your root path to http and https and make sure they are pointing to the proper area, check your image directories as well.


Here is the path of one of the broken images, does this go to where that image is in your root directory?



Always remember, we need patience, guidance and most of all understanding.


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