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'Boxy' infobox design with STS?


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Hi guys,


I'm using the STS system for my OSC site (actually, I'm in the process of installing it :P ).


I've seen the infoboxes of the templates for sale on this page http://www.algozone.com/shop/default.php?m...rs_id=10&page=1 (the very first one from the top - the pink one ;) ). I'm very interested in making 'boxy' looking infoboxes like this template, but I'm not quite sure where to start. Does anyone have any suggestions or can point me to a good faq on how to make the infoboxes look like this?


Also, the 'New Products For June' has that nice 'boxy' look as well, and I'd like to achieve that too. How different is the process of making it so?


And on that note, how do I ensure that if I make a design like this, it stays in shape regardless of screen resolution?

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That boxy new products look is something I did on a site today. In the tips/tricks there is a thread showing exactly how it is done, it takes a bit of searching for, but it's definately in there somewhere.


Other than that you can use a bit of .css to make the infoboxes look good.

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