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The e-commerce.

Title Problems


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I have two questions:


1) How do I change the default "osCommerce" title to the shop name?


2) On the category pages http://www.calnutritioncorner.com/catalog/...&page=1&sort=2d the titles for the category and the able names do not show properly. They show as HEADING_TITLE rather then the actual heading title "Muscle Growth"


It's doing it to all the categories.


Thank you in advance for your help.




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In catalog/includes/languages/english.php or your languages look for:

define('TITLE', 'osCommerce');



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Thanks that helped for the title. For some reason the title option in the Admin Tools area didn't change it in that file that it was suppose to. Possible bug.


That still didn't change some of the other problems with titles. such as TABLE_HEADING_NEW_PRODUCTS and HEADING_TITLE on the main page http://www.calnutritioncorner.com/catalog/

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Check the chnges you have done in catalog/includes/languages/english.php Because TABLE_HEADING_NEW_PRODUCTS is define in catalog/includes/languages/english.php



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I did a find in that document for TABLE_HEADING_NEW_PRODUCTS and it cannot find that line. How about these titles TABLE_HEADING_IMAGE TABLE_HEADING_PRODUCTS TABLE_HEADING_PRICE TABLE_HEADING_BUY_NOW?

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for some reason in search engines my title shows as

Find the protection against fires Find the protection against ...

but when you go to the page this does not apear, where is this likely to be hidden

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Looks like you have header tags controller installed, go to catalog/includes/languages/english/header_tags.php to change the titles.

9 times out of 10 its a PEBCAK Error (Problem exists between chair and keyboard)


Replace that and you're fine...

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Did you have header tags controller installed at one point, or dynamic meta tags? One of those had the default of firelite protection or something...


It looks like you don't have those titles anymore, so those are just old search engine descripts, you'll have to wait for them to get updated...


In fact, in google, I don't see anything for your site at all...

9 times out of 10 its a PEBCAK Error (Problem exists between chair and keyboard)


Replace that and you're fine...

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