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The e-commerce.

A few questions


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Hey everybody!


I've just installed the script. I have two problems.


a) I keep getting a message that my includes/configure.php is not secured. I have CHMOD it to many things -- even 000! I still get the message. I'm on a Red Hat server.


B) I want to secure the administration area, but if I rename the folder, then none of the links work in the admin panel. Any ideas?


:blink: :huh:


Great script otherwise!! :) :)

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a) I have tried 444. Still no luck.


  Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: /home/dwcnet/public_html/shopvertise/catalog/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file.



B) .htacess, will do.

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here is what worked for me






Group: Community Member

Posts: 176

Joined: 10-May 04




ok some times the permisions go back to what they were,i n that case read this thread and follow it i had that trouble this fixed it for me hope this helps

Posted: May 11 2004, 05:49 AM





Group: Community Member

Posts: 55

Joined: 16-April 04




i just installed oscommerce v2.2.

On the top of the page, however, shows me a warning message like this.


Warning: I am able to write to the configuration



file: /home/localhost/public_html/catalog2/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file.

permission for congifure.php file is 644. How can I remove/solve this problem?



any help, I'll appreciate..


Thank you.




bobthelucky Posted: May 11 2004, 11:59 AM





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Joined: 10-May 04




hi same thing just happened to me you have to change your file so its read only i guess, in ftp right click that file go properties change to read only for all (i have owner ,group,global,) if that wont stay set you have to add a file to catalog folder, lable it secure.php with this code just copy and paste,



chmod('includes/configure.php', 0444);



save it run it in browser youstore/catalog/secure.php , worked great for me and i know nothing


DWSUK Posted: May 11 2004, 12:16 PM





Group: Community Member

Posts: 3

Joined: 11-May 04




Some great advice there - it worked for me - thanks.


the add a file is what you need i think if you are not sure how to do this just email me tell me waht you dont understand i will try and be more clear

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