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hello guys i just installed Links Manager v1.0 and followed all the directions in the help file that came with it but this is the error i am getting.


// VJ Links Manager v1.00 begin define('FILENAME_LINKS', 'links.php'); define('FILENAME_LINKS_SUBMIT', 'links_submit.php'); define('FILENAME_LINKS_SUBMIT_SUCCESS', 'links_submit_success.php'); define('FILENAME_LINK_LISTING', 'link_listing.php'); define('FILENAME_POPUP_LINKS_HELP', 'popup_links_help.php'); // VJ Links Manager v1.00 end// VJ Links Manager v1.00 begin define('TABLE_LINK_CATEGORIES', 'link_categories'); define('TABLE_LINK_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION', 'link_categories_description'); define('TABLE_LINKS', 'links'); define('TABLE_LINKS_DESCRIPTION', 'links_description'); define('TABLE_LINKS_TO_LINK_CATEGORIES', 'links_to_link_categories'); // VJ Links Manager v1.00 end 
Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home2/mghatwor/public_html/catalog/includes/filenames.php:69) in /home2/mghatwor/public_html/catalog/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 67

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home2/mghatwor/public_html/catalog/includes/filenames.php:69) in /home2/mghatwor/public_html/catalog/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 67
// VJ Links Manager v1.00 begin define('BOX_INFORMATION_LINKS', 'Links'); // VJ Links Manager v1.00 end





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Header Whitespace


download the file catalog/includes/filenames.php open it and place your cursor after the last ?> then press delete several times, save the file and upload it.


Do not use the file manager to edit online as this can cause the whitespace.


instead use an ftp program such as ws_ftp to download the file to a local machine and edit then upload using the ftp program


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thanks alot guys that worked , the error is gone now but now i am getting this when i click the "link" tab


1146 - Table 'mghatwor_osc2.link_categories_description' doesn't exist

select link_categories_name from link_categories_description where link_categories_id = '0' and language_id = '1'





i dont understand how to enter this code , this is what it says in readme file that came with link manager.






add this code (immediately after other BOX_INFORMATION_* definitions),


// VJ Links Manager v1.00 begin

define('BOX_INFORMATION_LINKS', 'Links');

// VJ Links Manager v1.00 end



and is flashfxp a good program to edit the files

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hey , no SQL came with links manager and i guess i am doing some thing wrong here

i dont understand this part

add this code (immediately after other BOX_INFORMATION_* definitions),






add this code (immediately after other BOX_INFORMATION_* definitions),


// VJ Links Manager v1.00 begin

define('BOX_INFORMATION_LINKS', 'Links');

// VJ Links Manager v1.00 end




add this code (immediately after other BOX_* definitions),





add this code (immediately after other BOX_* definitions),


// VJ Links Manager v1.00 begin

// links manager box text in includes/boxes/links.php

define('BOX_HEADING_LINKS', 'Links Manager');

define('BOX_LINKS_LINKS', 'Links');

define('BOX_LINKS_LINK_CATEGORIES', 'Link Categories');

define('BOX_LINKS_LINKS_CONTACT', 'Links Contact');

// VJ Links Manager v1.00 end

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I have a similar problem but different table:



1146 - Table 'spycamg_osc1.TABLE_LINKS_TO_LINK_CATEGORIES' doesn't exist


And I did run the SQL file, I can add links and all thru the admin just fine. But cant view them on the site, get above error.

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hello every one , these are all the files that came with the all products contribution












can any one plz tell me which file i have to upload to my sql , and how do i upload it . never added any thing to my sql before :(



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hello every one , these are all the files that came with the all products contribution












can any one plz tell me which file i have to upload to my sql , and how do i upload it . never added any thing to my sql before :(



i thought you were loading the links manager contrib ?

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ooo i made a mistake , all these files are from " all product " contribution

but i have checked the contribution for " links" and i dont see any .sql file. can you plz tell me which one to upload , if you want i can tell you all the files that came with it.

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ooo i made a mistake , all these files are from " all product " contribution

but i have checked the contribution for " links" and i dont see any .sql file. can you plz tell me which one to upload , if you want i can tell you all the files that came with it.

It doesnt have an SQL file.


It has a php file that you execute which creates the tables for you.

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hello , yep but dont know why the tables are not showing cuz i have uploaded and changed all the files as instructed in readme file that came with it.


i am getting this error when i login to admin



// VJ Links Manager v1.00 begin define('TABLE_LINK_CATEGORIES', 'link_categories'); define('TABLE_LINK_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION', 'link_categories_description'); define('TABLE_LINKS', 'links'); define('TABLE_LINKS_DESCRIPTION', 'links_description'); define('TABLE_LINKS_TO_LINK_CATEGORIES', 'links_to_link_categories'); define('TABLE_LINKS_STATUS', 'links_status'); // VJ Links Manager v1.00 end 
Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home2/mghatwor/public_html/catalog/admin/includes/database_tables.php:66) in /home2/mghatwor/public_html/catalog/admin/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 67

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home2/mghatwor/public_html/catalog/admin/includes/database_tables.php:66) in /home2/mghatwor/public_html/catalog/admin/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 67


but on the index page of my site i cant see these errors . everything seems fine.

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update: FORGET ABOUT LAST POST , the error i was getting in admin pannel is gone:)

but when i click the link tab in my index page i still get this


1146 - Table 'mghatwor_osc2.link_categories_description' doesn't exist


select link_categories_name from link_categories_description where link_categories_id = '0' and language_id = '1'



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update: FORGET ABOUT LAST POST , the error i was getting in admin pannel is gone:)

but when i click the link tab in my index page i still get this


1146 - Table 'mghatwor_osc2.link_categories_description' doesn't exist


select link_categories_name from link_categories_description where link_categories_id = '0' and language_id = '1'



I get the same problem.


Cant figure out for 2 weeks now.

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hello , k heres what i did , in the contribution zip you will see a file under catalog folder " links_setup.php"

after you have copied all the files do this. type www.yourhost.com/catalog/links_setup.php


that will install all the tables and stuff


and make sure you have this links_setup.php in your catalog . once you have done this del the setup file and you are done. if it still doesnt work let me know and ill tell you step by step what i did.

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