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The e-commerce.

can 1000 stores be packed into 1 store?


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I am planning to offer a service to my customers (small companies that sell a sort of products and services). It would consist of a single web site where they can log in using their own user name and password, administer their own products and customers and show then in a single store, using a unique category tree.


The idea is to join many stores so the amount of products was much larger and so the interest for the visitors. However each of the products ordered should still be sent to the apropiate seller. Of course each seller, in administration mode, should be able to acess only his products, and his orders.




Bob sells apples and oranges

mary sells oranges and beans.


The catalog of the store es:



oranges brand Bob

oranges brand mary


apples brand Bob


beans brand mary



so if a customer orders 1 bag "Bob oranges" and 2 bags of "mary beans". the order is desglosed by individual suppliers, so each of them supply his/her part of the order.



My question is: is available any contribution that facilitates me the task?


Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english.


not sure there is a contrib for this - check the contrib section.


it will probably need quite a bit of tailored coding to get it to work how you want - but should be possible.

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