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The e-commerce.

How do I direct payments from my shop to my bank?

Daniel v3.0

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How do I get my store to direct all payments into my bank account? I can't for the life of me figure this out. Is there somewhere in the admin section of my site where I add my bank details?


What have I missed here?



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you missed the study of parts in your administration, specifically the modules part and in there, the payment part.

look and thou shall find.

"If you're working on something new, then you are necessarily an amateur."

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Aw, nutbunnies...! :angry:


Okay, thanks for the help guys!


Whatabout credit card payments? Where does the money for them go? Is that the same sort of set-up? Where do I put my details in for that?



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You need some way to process the credit cards for payments. The only way is to have a merchant account. With your merchant account you can either process the numbers automatically, through the shopping cart, or you can manually enter them (either in a secure web page with your merchant account bank or through a physical terminal - a credit card swipe machine). Credit cards are not free to use. There is also a liability issue (if you could just use any credit card and deposit money into your account without setting up a merchant account, you can make a lot of money then clean out your account).

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