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Add more address fields?


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Hi guys,


I want to add more optional address fields in the account creation form as well as address book manager. This is because some customers have long addresses that are broken up into several different lines. How should I do this?


Also, how do I shift my 'post code' field to sit just above the country dropdown list? At the moment, it seems awkward being placed just below the address field.

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I just make do with what is there? Alter the name of State etc that so they fit with the extra fields that I wanted but I'm sure there will be a contribution for this.


I'm sure that the way you would want to do this though is:


Check every reference to each of the fields, then copy and paste underneath each one the same code but change the name.




you will need to add an input field in every place there is an input field for the normal address boxes.


then look at every page that processes the address input and add your extra field name in the same format as the others have been added


then you need to add a column to the database table for addresses


then you need to modify the functionality that actually adds the info to the address table so it adds your extra field


sorry i cant be of more help but its just a case of finding everywhere that the existing fields are mentioned and copying and pasting the format of each and changing the name. (i think!)

always here to offer some useless advice....

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Ouch! I thought of doing that too, but the chance of missing out something or goofing up somewhere is too great. Has anyone seen a mod that does this, or know another way of going about this problem in a less hack-&-slash fashion? ;)

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you'll be able to do it im sure :D

just work through the site thinking where a reference to the address might be and then find the page that it is in and modify it

save backups and give it a go


else look on the contributions part of oscommerce website




obviously - create_account.php

always here to offer some useless advice....

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nah...search the contributions area. There is a contrib that works beautifully for this.

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