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HELP! Display Product Description on index.php


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Where spefically in the index.php? Do you mean in the New Products for the month module? That would be in /inludes/modules/new_products.php.


In short, you are querying the products table already to get the product title, just add to the field list the description field and show that using the same technique as displaying the title.



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I have 1 category, with 2 sub category.


vehicle (category)

car (sub 1)

mercedes (sub 2)

mercedes red (prod 1)

mercedes white (prod 2)


So, after i click subcategory mercedes, 2 products red and white will show. If we click the red (prod 1) the definition of the product will appear. But it connect with product_info.php. I dont want it.


What i want is the product description appear after we click the last subcategory (mercedes-sub2) below the product-list table. But still in index.php



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