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PWA Help / phpmyadmin help


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I am setting up the Purchase without account mod and I havn't uesd phpmyadmin much..


Got everything done except step3...:




Go into your server's backend and use a SQL tool such as PHPMYADMIN to run the following SQL scripts. Make sure you have backed up your database first:


ALTER TABLE customers ADD purchased_without_account TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL AFTER customers_id;

ALTER TABLE customers ADD INDEX (purchased_without_account);

INSERT INTO configuration_group VALUES (40, 'Accounts', 'Configuration of Account settings', 40, 1);

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Purchase Without Account', 'PWA_ON', 'true', 'Allow Customers to purchase without an account', 40, 1, '2003-04-08 13:07:44', '2003-04-08 12:10:51', NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');

ALTER TABLE orders ADD purchased_without_account TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;



I know what its saying to do, just don't know how to do it.. how do I alter the table? and add things i need to?



Thanks guys.


Open phpMyadmin and select your database in left column,

On right side you will see SQL button (click it)

At the bottom of page you will the box to enter

ALTER TABLE customers ADD purchased_without_account TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL AFTER customers_id;
ALTER TABLE customers ADD INDEX (purchased_without_account);
INSERT INTO configuration_group VALUES (40, 'Accounts', 'Configuration of Account settings', 40, 1);
INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Purchase Without Account', 'PWA_ON', 'true', 'Allow Customers to purchase without an account', 40, 1, '2003-04-08 13:07:44', '2003-04-08 12:10:51', NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');
ALTER TABLE orders ADD purchased_without_account TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;

Thenhit GO and voila




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