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The e-commerce.

Installation step 7


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Made a webstore on my computer, but didn't work when I uploaded it, so I'm trying to install it directly to my host..


everything went smooth until step 7. Where I got:

New Installation


osCommerce Configuration


The following error has occurred:



The configuration files do not exist, or permission levels are not set.


Please perform the following actions:


cd /hsphere/local/home/createme/createmedia.net/loddbutikk/catalog/includes/

touch configure.php

chmod 706 configure.php

cd /hsphere/local/home/createme/createmedia.net/loddbutikk/catalog/admin/includes/

touch configure.php

chmod 706 configure.php


If chmod 706 does not work, please try chmod 777.


If you are running this installation procedure under a Microsoft Windows environment, try renaming the existing configuration file so a new file can be created.


I tried to rename both existing configuration.phps but that only gave me 9 sets or so of error messages, and then said "Configuration was successfull!"


When I then pressed administration tool button I got mroe error messages about the Database.php..



Was I suposed to get tons of error messages before confguration was a sucsess? cuz it didn't create new configuration files as the hint said... so where's my config files then? so that I can attempt to fix it after...

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Probably the most newbieish question on the boards, but.... how?


Thanks for the help anyways :)


It's great that you Pro's take time to read forums and help out us "not so pros", and in my case "not pro at all"!

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