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new box in sts


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i asked this on the sts thread but no answer. have tried searching but not gettig the result i need


the questions is how do i create a new box? what's the difference in the code with sts compared with the one without sts?


i can create a new box in the osc but not sure how with sts as the naming in the template gives me no idea where i should edit to have the box on the columns



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first you have to add something like this in your includes/column_left.php:


example comes from a box that i've added:


  require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'featured.php');
 // STS: ADD
 $sts_block_name = 'featuredbox';



then in includes/sts_display_output.php around line 220 find:


  $template['breadcrumbs'] = $breadcrumb->trail(' » ');


and after that you should place your box-heading definition somewhere - which should look like this:


  $template['featuredboxheading'] = TABLE_HEADING_FEATURED_PRODUCTS;




then find this code around line 250:


////// Create custom boxes


and after that somewhere place your box definistion which should look like that:


  $template['featuredbox'] = strip_unwanted_tags($sts_block['featuredbox'], 'featuredbox');



finally around line 330 find:


  // print column_left stuff


there you specify in which column you box should appear - so under column left or column right you place your code:


 echo $sts_block['featuredbox'];




and thats it for the STS - stuff - then just call $featuredbox in your template and it should be there - but don't forget that you have to have the right box in your includes/boxes/ folder !!!



;) - hope that helps you out



PS: the heading must be specified in your language --> like in includes/languages/english.php you must have:


define('TABLE_HEADING_FEATURED_PRODUCTS', 'Featured Products');

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