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The e-commerce.

Price Break


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I have added price break 1.1 and it seems to work when I want someone to buy 2 units but when I set it for example 50 units = $190.00 the total comes up with = $9500.00 and the subtotal shows the amount of $499.50. The proper amount I have it set at should read $190.00...



What is causing this problem???


Can someone log into http://www.innovativelifestyleproducts.com...0c49557cb91f580


and test it out...





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i think this is a fault in the contrib

i could be wrong but when we installed it it was multiplying the price by the quantity at the end so the price is way wrong


i think we fixed it by modifying priceformatter.php


somewhere in there there is a bit where the price is multiplied by the quantity. i think you just comment out the end bit that looks something like *$qty (i believe)


i cant find it now though!! either we deleted it or it was not in that file-it was a while ago.


but i think that is your prob - it is multiplying price break price by the quantity at the end instead of just taking the price. just wish i could remember exactly where you need to fix it!


sorry i cant be more help.


you'll just have to look through the files and find where the price is calculated and that will be where your problem lies i think. try this function first (in priceformmater.php)


function computePrice($qty)

always here to offer some useless advice....

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Just figured it out

It is a human error not coding

the price break works fine


the way it works is that you input the price that you would like to sell EACH item at



1 - 100 items = ?10 per item

101 - 199 items = ?9 per item




so it works fine


i got confused like you


if you want it to work like you thought it did, then see my first post-we got it working like that eventually

always here to offer some useless advice....

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