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The e-commerce.

Sitemap of the demonstration shop!?


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Good morning,


I?m working on a relaunch of a web-shop and

I need a sitemap (with all reachable steps/levels) of this shop

shown on oscommerce.com.

Can anybody send it to me?

That would be great!


Thanx alot, Peter

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ok im not to sure what it is you want or need or are trying to do ??? do you want something that makes it easy to work on osCommerce?? is that what you are after??? if so please send it to me when you get it ok thanks

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Okay, I?ll try to explain it more easily.


I need an overview about all stages of the oscommerce-shop.

Means all the functionalities, etc. structured in one document or so...


Please help me!!!


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http://wiki.oscommerce.com/Top or you can do a search on this forum and follow threds that aply to your problem, but really listen to this there is NO QUICK EASY way to set this up. we all have had to do it bit by bit this forum is great if you are stuck post a question people can understand you WILL get an answer some times it takes awhile,so slow and easy wins the race
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