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password forgotten


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Hey alltogether,


I got in trouble reffering the password forgotten functionality. If a customer had forgotten his password and is clicking on the Link all works fine. He / she fills in his / her emailaddress and gets a new created password. This works absolutely fine with the exception, that the customer won't get an email, if his emailaddress is an aol address.


Once again to be sure, that you understand me (sorry I know my english is horrible)


The password forgotten function works if the recepient emailaddress is NO AOL :o address.


Hopefully someone can help me.


Thanx in advance


Kai :huh:

  • 10 months later...

I am having a similar experience even now, May 2005. The Password Forgotten gets through to all other addresses as far as I know, but AOL blocks it.


It may be that is has an IP address in the body, an AOL address at that as it sends a note saying:


"A new password was requested from


Your new password to 'The ......."


The IP is an AOL address, so I am going to jump to a conclusion and say that their ever-agressive spam filters are putting our emails in the user's spam folder or simply deleteing them because of that.


Anyone else got any ideas?



I am having a similar experience even now, May 2005.  The Password Forgotten gets through to all other addresses as far as I know, but AOL blocks it.


It may be that is has an IP address in the body, an AOL address at that as it sends a note saying:


"A new password was requested from


Your new password to 'The ......."


The IP is an AOL address, so I am going to jump to a conclusion and say that their ever-agressive spam filters are putting our emails in the user's spam folder or simply deleteing them because of that.


Anyone else got any ideas?





then just remove the ip address from the email, never understood why it is there in the first place as many people will mistake it for their new social security number

Treasurer MFC


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