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The e-commerce.

Secure Server addition


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Ok, I've got OsCommerce up and running to the best of my ability. I now need to add a secure server to the site.


Firstly, can anyone recommend a good secure server supplier? My hosting company charges ?88 for a secure certificate etc bla bla... is there anywhere cheaper or do I *have* to stick with my own hosting company for it to work correctly?


Once I have set up the secure server - how do I integrate it into OsCommerce?





PS - I know this has probably been asked before - if so, point me to the thread if possible ;-)

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Search Google for your certificate :)


Once your certificate is installed by your webhost, you will need to edit your configure.php files accordingly - again, your webhost will give you the correct URL


Post back here is you have trouble with the configuration.



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