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2 miscellaneous questions (but important)


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Hi there!


I'm in the process of setting up my osC store.


Q1: Where do I logon to the administration page? I've tried mystore.com/catalog/admin/index.php but the page shows up blank.


Q2: Can I center the logo in the store header? It's all the way to the left and I'd like it to be centered.


I've looked at the docs in the wiki, but they don't tell me where to logon to the admin page. Thanks for the help.



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To center your logo go to catalog/includes/header.php and change the width to you specs & align= center then last percentage shown is for the account etc images if your using them. As for the admin I just log on and hit the admin button.





<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

<tr class="header">

<td valign="middle" width="98%" align="center">

<?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT) . '">' .

tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'LOGO1.gif', 'POCONOBEAR.COM') . '</a>'; ?>


<td align="right" valign="bottom" width="2%">


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I've tried mystore.com/catalog/admin/index.php but the page shows up blank.

That is the correct URL for the admin page in the reccomended install.


I recall there being instructions for an alternative installation in which the admin folder is outside of catalog. Is there any chance that is your situation?


For example, if it were installed at a peer level with catalog your admin url would be:



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GrpahicsGuy amd Big Bear:


Thanks for the help.



The admin folder is in the catalog folder (catalog/admin) and I've tried the address I included but the page show up blank. I took a look at the file and it's there, and it has data, it just doesn't shoy up in my browser. Any thoughts.



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Hello again:


I've moved the Admin folder into the root of the directory so that it's at the same level as the catalog folder.


I've tried to point my browser to almost every page in the admin folder and the broswer displays nothing at all Nervewrecking....


I'm retracing my installation steps but I can't see anything I did wrong.


Please Help!


Desperate in the tropics.



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Thanks for the input bobthelucky, but that didn't work.


The techies at my hosting outfit tell me to check the permissions, but I sincerely don't know what to do. Help!




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What are the permissions of your admin directory? To the least, put it 755. Try putting admin directory below catalog directory (as it was before), and try. You may want to use another browser, just to rule out that possiblity.


If you can post the web-address of your site, we can try getting from outside (please secure your admin directory first!).

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Thanks rekhis, I put the permissions all the way up to 777, and tried with two different browsers. Also moved the directory to under the catalog section. But nothing worked. All of the pages under the admin directory are blank, but I know that they are there, and that there's data in them. I put a .php test page in there and that page I can see.


I'm in the process of securing the admin tool, after I do that I will post the address.


I've looked through the whole wiki, and through the instructions over and over again, and nothing comes up. Could I have possibly skipped a crucial step that is not allowing me to see the dir?


I'm quite bummed, please help if you can.



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Sounds like you have a parse error somewhere..


This would cause the page to be displayed blank.


Have any contributions been installed?

Mark Evans

osCommerce Monkey & Lead Guitarist for "Sparky + the Monkeys" (Album on sale in all good record shops)



Software is like sex: It's better when it's free. (Linus Torvalds)

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Thanks for looking in sparky... No contributions have been installed. How would I idnetify the parse error?




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i agree it could be a parse error,did you do any work on any of your pages before this problem came in ?? if so i hope you sent a orginal copy of your catalog to your computer,if so just start replacing pages that you might have caused an error on, you can save the ones you are replacing so work gets lost untilll you find the page that has the error i think it must be an index page or config page

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I have done virtually no work on the catalog, except a change of logo, a change of background color in the left column in the index.php page, removing the manufacturers box, and the what's new for May box.


I have saved a copy of the osC package and lies undisturbed on my desktop, should I replace the whole catalog?


Have you had a chance to look at the




Thanks, Mario.

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I tried going to your admin page but get blank page. Before changing the pages, did you ever successfully log into admin console?


Try giving permission to admin's parent directory as unix looks up at its parent directory to determine the permission (chmod 755 catalog) for the child.



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I never succesfully logged in to the admin page.... Does that tell you anything important?


The parent directory of (admin) is catalog, and the permissions have been 755 since I started trying to log on to the admin page.


Thanks for the help gentlemen



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I finally saw the admin page!!!! That's the good news.


The bad news is that I saw it because I installed osCommerce in another webiste I run with the same hosting company.


I appreciate, and thank, all of those who tried to help. I'm going to uninstall the osC from the store it was giving me problems in. How do I do this?


Included a link to Otto's page as a gesture of appreciation.


Otto says HI!


Thank you very much.



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