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weird little grey boxes in corners of info boxes


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Hi, need more help :(

Could someone have a peek at my site and tell me how to get rid of these annoying little grey boxes on the corners of all my infoboxes? They are driving me nuts. I have tried replacing every info box setting in the stylesheet except for the text to black but I can't get rid of those grey boxes. Where are they hiding???? Anyone know what they are called?


Here's the site: http://www.designerfashiondeals.com/catalog/

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They are gifs. You can find them in:




And their names are:






Change them to have a really fashion catalog!


Good luck

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Hi, thanks for pointing that out! NOW I still want to get rid of them ;) but I can't seem to find what file they are in, i.e what page. I figured they would be in the index file but I can't seem to see them? Could you tell me what file to look in where I can edit them out of the script? Thanks :)

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I've seen your page and realized you erase them! Another option is to use an image editor to change the color of the gifs to fit your design.


Good luck

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another option is to make them transparent so that whatever background colour you choose will work

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