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The e-commerce.

Frontpage conversion ? Credit card accept ?


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hello all


i have a site at http://www.catfishclothingcompany.com


the site and its catalogue (which you can find via the catalogue and then the category links from the main page) look how my client wants them to however the old cart we were using was just too costly for the returns we were getting so i am switching to oscommerce because it seemed the best run for my money and was supported by our domainserver. the way it worked before was the catalogue,images etc were all on our page with the only real link to the "cart" being used during the ordering process.


is there any way to incorporate and use the layout and design that already exists which i created in frontpage with oscommerce or do i have to use the look and feel of the oscommerce cart and have all catalogue and browsing done in its format ?


ALSO, my client runs her own credit cards with a machine she has at her business, is there any way to accept credit cards through oscommerce in this fashion?


i am STILL new so bear with me! your patience and guidance is appreciated.

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I could only find two links on your page. One was on the circular cat logo on the bottom left. It went nowhere in two minutes. The other is on the very bottom link which looks like it may go to a animal protection society site. Three missing images without links look like they may have been a menu at some stage. Can't help you - sorry.

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thats strange. do you have a problem with java ? it loads just fine on netscape. i tried to visit it with my ie6 -- which has had its java corrupted and i therefore dont use much -- and it loaded as you said.


you can view one of the catalogue pages which would have displayed within the frame you saw on the original page here :




basically you will see some graphics and click the link or scroll down and you'll see the product. you can click on the product image for more info etc or more importantly you can click the little icon for add to cart/check out which would have taken you to the view of your cart.


the view of the cart and the actual checking out process were the only parts of the process that were off my domain and on the "cart". will i be able to do this with oscommerce just by perhaps linking to a "view cart" link or a specifc products page perhaps ?


any help on the secondary portion of my question concerning the offline processing of credit card numbers ? if oscommerce even supports such a thing ?


thanks for the help, i am still in the process of trying to learn if oscommerce will work for me and even more problematic: how to learn to use it myself! so your help is appreciated !

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i have been playing around a bit and i think i will be able to link things up the way i need to...NOW my question would be:


is there some way to edit where the buttons "CONTINUE SHOPPING" on the oscommerce cart take you ? as is now it takes me back to the oscommerce cart category the product was in...i need it instead to take me back to the catalogue page the product was on on my sites catalogue page.


thanks !!

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hinsel, I use Mozilla (Netscape is based off ot it) and it works but in IE6 the java menus do not work.


You're asking about saving the "look" of the site, but to be honest, there really isn't much of a look there. I don't mean to be mean, but it might be time for a good change anyway.


Since this is open source you can modify it however you like.


About your credit card changes, yes it's easy to do. One way to do it (the way I do) is to use Authorize.net. (Or a clone) You already have a merchant number, but you might have to get the Processor to make it online ready (that might mean getting a new number too, it depends on the processor)


There's even a simpler way, say through PayPal but some people don't like that. I've also noticed the PayPal module that comes installed is buggy. (Sometimes we get our money but no order!)


Actually there are many payment modules you can use those are just two options.


As I type this I get teary eye'd because osC is so great. Thank you everyone! It's got power, potential and free! What more could you want?

- - - -

Sometimes, ignorance is bliss.

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thanks for the help and consequentally the design was made to clients request not to suit my own personal tastes or choices. :wacko:


any further guideance or information you may have about customizing the appearance of oscommerce is much appreciated.



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