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Remove Images from Best Sellers Box


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Can anyone help me?


I am trying to remove the top image from the Best Sellers box and just have text links (with no images) populate the box.


Thanks for your help



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This is fairly simple.


Do you mean the text header or have you really added some form of header contrib to have header images?


Since I don't know what your box bestseller.php looks like I can't tell you specifically, but if it's


text then look for new infoBoxHeading($info_box_contents, false, false); and put two slashes in front of it. like this:


// new infoBoxHeading($info_box_contents, false, false);


If it's really an image, look for the img tag in your php. Remove that and the cell it's in or, it's it's in it's own table (like I did so I could make it a hyperlink without IE6's gay spacing problem), the whole table too.

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Sometimes, ignorance is bliss.

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