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Need advice on a speeding ticket!


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Well I have to go to court tomorrow morning and was looking for some advice/techniques when going to court.




State: South Carolina


Ticket: Caught speeding at 4 in the morning on the way home from work and did not relize how fast I was going.


--> 88 in a 60


Here is the thing. I was pulled over on 4/26/04. The officer out the correct date down in the "Date of arrest" box but he put down 4/24/04 as the date in the "Date of Viloation" box.


Can I get this beat on a technicality? I was not even on the road on April 24. I was in bed asleep.


What do you think?

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I don't know about the law in North-Carolina, but in theory it should be possible.

Otherwise just pay the fine and accept that you were wrong and got caught.


Good luck,



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