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Failed Catagory and Product Images


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Can anyone point me in the right direction to solve my problem in geting pics into Catagory and Product items. I believe that I have the pics in the right file folders but when I'm finished adding Catagories and products the thumbnails are empty for both Catagory and Product. All I get is a blank box with the little red x in the box. I've even resized my pics to the image requirements in the configuration section.


So in all I'm stil baffled by all this inverse learning curve for a newbe. :(





Can anyone help me with this problem regaarding the Images.

I've looked high and low for forum threads on this but I can't seem to find any answers.

Is there a forum moderator that can help????


Is there an OUT Of The Box OsCommerce Cart software?


Are there low budbet templates/files/software that can be used and modified so's not to go through these loops and hoops to get a storefront up and running.


This oscommerce open source stuff is good BUT where does one get the necessary documentation for troubleshooting application problems????




In answer to your last question the answer is Yes, Yes, and Yes.


It sounds like you've spent more time writing your questions in the forums than looking around the OSC site.


A link to the latest stable version of the program can be found on the home page.


Some free templates are available in the contributions section (link second from right at top of this page)


Additional low budget templates are available by the cartload by doing a google search "oscommerce templates".


The program has an excellent wiki documentation site (see link top right of this page)


and finally,


If you're selecting the pics correctly on the appropriate admin page, they should appear on your site. There is absolutely no trick here. You must size your images correctly in the config section of admin however or they may look distorted.


May I suggest you search the forums for answers to problems as they arise rather than waiting for an answer here. Newbies like yourself tend to have similar problems, thus many of the questions you are about to ask may have already been answered.

It sounds like you've spent more time writing your questions in the forums than looking around the OSC site.




First off Thank You for answering my post.

I've sofar spent this weekend searching this forum for any thread concerning catagories, products, images etc to try and answer my own questions.


The threads that i've followed have not given me any answers.


I've also printed off many of the WiKi docs a read and reread them and tried and retried the various changes etc.


I have in fact the latest version of oscommerce 2.2 m2


I'v managed to get the banner images and logo immage correct through trial and error. And the removal of the default jargon on the front page.


As for the product and catagory pics I have tried first resizing my pics to the hight and width perameters set in the admin and visa versa to my pics. No luck there either.


The catagory and product forms have the browse button which I use to select my pics from my computer. I believe that this is the correct way to get my pics uploaded?


When I click the pics in the catalogue or admin pages and read the property links the links read correctly to the page and pics directories.


So in all I'm still stumped on how to correct my problem. And That is no pics in the product and catagory boxes other than that dumb looking red X.


LOL I have a Phd in computer sience (Push Here Dummy) and a degree in hard knocks as to is you throw enough mud at a wall some of it is bound to stick.


In closing I'm hopeful that someone can help me out here with my problem.


Again Thank You Very Much for answering My Post





First off: resizing shouldn't matter, worse case scenario you get a terribly distorted image.


About the Xs, are you sure that your pics are being uploaded? If your web server directory doesn't have write access for oscommerce on the images area your pics won't get uploaded, and what you describe is exactly what will happen.


You could also manually add your images to the webserver say with ftp and even though osc won't be able to upload it, you can pretend to and


Is the website on an internet accessible page?


If so, give the link and I'll tell you what's wrong.

- - - -

Sometimes, ignorance is bliss.


Also, just right click on the red x and view properties to see what path you are actually searching for the pic. There is a logical reason why you can't see the pics but it ain't easy to explain.


In a nutshell, if you are setting up your site on a localhost, your home program may have a different image path to the one you're using on the server. This could be something to do with the settings in your config.php. Thus, right click the pics on the localhost and the server version and compare the image paths. Adjust one or the other accordingly.


If you have the latest version of OSC, what did you mean by:


"Is there an OUT Of The Box OsCommerce Cart software?"


That threw me.


Thank You Gentlemen for your directions,


Here is the link to my store site

Blais N Stamps Shop


As you can see my logo and banner stuff work and the "Top" text button sends you to my website.


I have cpanel and from the getgo I cmod the file path to 777 including the pic

The pics for sure are where they are suposed to be.


One question comes to mind re: the browse button in the catagory and product forms. I browse my home computer for my pic files to be uploaded. Is this what you are talking about when you state using a local host?


If you google me "blaisnstamps" you'll see that I have several things on the go. A web site, auction site, forum site, and hopefully a store site if I can get this pic stuff straightened out.


And Johnk re the Out Of The Box stuff. Take a look at "AlaCart" Powered By osCommerce User's Guide. The guide is a PDF file. I downloaded it all ,85 pages, and what impressed me about the file is the OSCommerce Style Sheet stuff on page 48. I believe that they host pre stores stuff. Pricy though.


One other thing that I may try from a thread I read and suggested by WiKi is to set up file folders for each catagory in the images file folder.


And finally one other thing I did that may or may not have a bearing on my pic problem is that I deleted the original catagories. I now only have One catagory "Stamps" I hope it's not my demise to screwing things UP?


Again thank you gentlemen for you time and efforts. Most appreciated. ;)






I've solved my own problem. There was no fix found in the forums. This one or others.


My problem was the naming of my pic file. I had used a pic from my home computer which had this number as part of the discription... 20%....


I renamed the file with alpha only characters. Went to the product form and used the the browse upload box and "voila" the pic was uploaded to the images file.


So therefor in the future I'll be careful on my pic naming conventions.


Hope that makes sense. Otherwise it was just dumb luck or fat finger cyndrom.






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