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I'm developing website where I would need to have fields below the image where customer will edit some text and images that they would like to appear on particular item. Let say if you have a coffee mug that on one side you can have photo imprint and on other side text.

If someone know some contribution that allows edited text/images to appear on image above (image will be in this example just blank white coffee mug.)


The basic plan is to have some sort of instant proof for custom items.


Any idea greatly appreciated.



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There doesn't seem to be anything in the contributions section so you may have to rethink how you do this. There are a few carts out there that do what you want but not exactly the way you intend. Most have a special order form where this information is added. It's usually referred to as customer comments and it's quite possible OSC already has such a feature - I've never looked!


The only built in procedures I've seen are:


The customer selects the mug style from your catalog and clicks "buy Now". When they're finished, they go to the checkout and add their comments in a special form there. Not quite what you want I know.


My only suggestion is for you to look at all the finished stores to see if someone has what you want there. E-mail them and ask if you can have a copy of the code.

You really have a special need that would require a fair bit of additional programming.

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Dear John:

Thanks for your reply I already upload that contribution but doesn't have a option to show the text on a image. I'm sure that there is some code that I can use it and just change some parts of the code. Any other ideas?


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  • 6 months later...
Dear John:

Thanks for your reply I already upload that contribution but doesn't have a option to show the text on a image.  I'm sure that there is some code that I can use it and just change some parts of the code.  Any other ideas?




I am triing to find a code that will work with Master Product so I can insert a custom name for a product. Did you find something yet that will do this?




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