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The e-commerce.

create_account.php question


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I'm trying to change the fields the user can fill out on the create account page.


The following is what i would like to change / remove (changes in bold/blue):

Personal Details:::

Gender = *removed*

First Name = Game name

Last name = *removed*

Date of Birth = *removed*

E-Mail Address = *unchanged*


Company Details:::

Company Name = *removed*


Your Address:::

Street Address = *removed*

Suburb = *removed*

Post Code = *removed*

City = *unchanged*

Stay/Province = *removed*

Country? = *unchanged*


Your contract information:::

Telephone = *removed*

Fac Number = *removed*



Newsletter = *unchanged*


Your Password:::

Password = *unchaged*

Password Confirmation = Confirm Password


I have looke through the create_account.php file and midified some fields, but when i refreshed the page, the changes did not carry through. I can only presume that the items above are stored in the database somewhere.


Any suggestions?




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You can turn off the following fields through admin under configuration->customer details.


1. gender

2. suburb

3. dob

4. company

5. state


As for the others you will have to edit the code. You will have to take it out of both the html and the php. Meaning that you will have to remove the pertinent lines in the php at the top where the information is put into the database.


If you have successfully edited the code you may have to clear your cache to get the new page to show successfully.

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I just took off the telephone field (i.e.) from create_account.php and that was it.

I solved my problem regarding having that field.

You also can edit /admin/customers.php in order to have a elegant solution in both sides of the system.


ps: I do not know what html page that was mentioned above.


Felix Santana

Method Design

[email protected]

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