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The e-commerce.

Help.. can't add or edit.. anything


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:( Help me.. I'm melting..

Okay... so my oscommerce store was working fine. Preparing to launch the store one day, this week I couldn't add items, or change items.. everything gets blanked out when I do it. I'm baffled. It's probably some config or htaccess thing, but I can't see it.


Even in PHPmyadmin, I can't change the data. I can sometimes add a record to a database, but I definitely can't change a record. (in phpmyadmin - I know wrong place, but it's a symptom- I get 'NO SQL QUERY' when trying to run sql queries and things like ' tbl_replace.php: missing db' and 'tbl_replace.php: missing table'.)


In the catalog admin area, I can't add an item, and if I try to change an item it turns all blank.. all fields blank.


the site renders fine. I looked around the config files, but it seems okay.


now that I think about it, the same applies to other non oscommerce test databases.


Okay... since I offered my friend lunch, but he failed, I offer the same to the forum. First answer that fixes this get a crisp $10 bill in the mail. (but you have to promise to use if for lunch).


Can you tell me what version of oscommerce you use and have you migrated an older version of the database to it?


It sounds like either a DB issue or a configuration issue



Always remember, we need patience, guidance and most of all understanding.


My Contributions


is this on a *nix server or windows? what changes did you make this past week on the site? did you add anything, try to implement any type of security?


Well, I have to agree it's probably a configuration issue. I can actually manipulate the database with an admin app. So I don't think it's the database itself. PHPmyadmin gives me the same problems, even on a test database, so it's should not be oscommerce itself. It may be a PHP setting or something.


I'm running OScommerce 2.2 on a windows 2003 server box.

Last week the tech guy, opened the router port to the internet for the server, but it seemed to work okay, I think...


thanks for any help.


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