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The e-commerce.

Request for opinions and suggestions


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Nice color choices, but i would suggest you add a maching background color for the heading too or center your site to stay fixed in the middel with the same width as your header graphics..... ;-)

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nice header!! the rest of the site is prety much oscommerce out of the box.

section images are too big they are looking pixelated

rollover text is the same colour as the background

on 800x600 screens you need to scroll slightly to the right which can become annoying.

other than that it looks quite nice B)

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It was difficult work, but I managed to check all of your bra and panties product pictures . . . B) (You know to make sure they loaded correctly) and the good news is they all loaded fine.


Seriously, your site looks OK, but there is a lot more you could do to give the site a unique look. Here are a couple of suggestions:


1. Revise your splash page (index.php). Right now you have a lot of white spice in between the text which pushes the product pictures down below the fold. Also the text needs to be bolder. If you want to push the summer collection make the text bolder and bigger and use a color that stands out.


2. Get rid of the stock OSC icons (see graphic) and consider creating some red buttons to better match your site. The stock icons really don't match your site (or anybody's for that matter)


Icon Example:



3. Consider ditching some of the infoboxes - some pages look a bit cluttered.


Good luck with the business!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Lookin' Goood!!!


Here are my demands...


-Your header is centered but your store is not. (you should move the header left)


-You should underline your categories. Or even make them more prominent by displaying them instead of this nonsense:

Crazy prices only until the 1st of July!

Welcome Guest!

Would you like to log yourself in?

Or would you prefer to create an account?


-All of the text in 'banerstronaglowna' is going to be overlooked because it looks like a "special announcement" or sale feature.


-I would make a second set of images. Your thumbnails look crappy. Just make a small set of your images and use those.


-Toooooo maaaaaany boxes! There are side boxes 12! That's too confusing and I don't have time for it. I don't care about manufacturer & manufact' info, tell a friend, notifications and all that junk. Just show me some lingerie!


-Weak privacy notice.


-New customer button is missing on login page. (I think)


-Why do you need my gender? I'm outta here!

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