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Authorize.net success?


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I have finally set up osCommerce on my site, purchased Authorize.net service, have a merchant account set up. Put in my Username in the Authorize.net module along with the transaction key, but I am still getting and error after confirming my order. Anybody have any success with Authorize.net and osCommerce?


This is the page that I get errors on: https://secure.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll

This is the error

Authorization Required

This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials required.


Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

after going through the whole checkout process. at this page: checkout_confirmation.php



Please help? I feel like I am so close!


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I got mine to work!!!!


What i did was made sure i had ABSOLUTELY No Payment mods like coupons and such. I Have a private_html and public_html for SSL I uploaded all the files from the Authorizenet Consolidated v17.zip in both directories.


First I uninstalled all payment and shipping modules so nothing was there in the checkout process


then i replaced all checkout/module/classes/language files with original files from the MS2 downlaod.


Then i replaced all file with the ones from the contribution in both private and public directories. In admin as well.


Then i installed it in the admin area.


I then pluged in username and transaction key set to test set my curl to usr/curl/curl and not compiled and ...


did a test transaction


SUCCESS on the first try (well after i started from scratch anyway)


Thats all i can tell you!

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go to contributions and then payment modules and either look for it or search authorize


cantributions is linked at the top right!

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Wow, this is not easy at all. I have tried re-installing the Authorize.net mod, but I am not even sure if I grabbed the right one from the contributions section. There are a few and I didn't see anything named v17.zip.


Is there anyway you could help me through this kinda step by step so I can just get it right? I really honestly appreciate your help. I am glad to hear that it IS possible, I just want to get there.




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I'm not a tekkie but we just got our cart going this afternoon using authorize.net. We had checkout errors too but our problems weren't caused by the module but rather by the needs of authorize.net.


First thing is you need a security key to put into the authorize.net field. You can get the key from your authorize.net control panel. Put the key in the appropriate spot in osc's module.


After that, you need to make sure password required mode is turned off.


You then have to provide authorize.net with a response/receipt url. we used




I was told to turn off my old site for automatic processing. I don't know if this was required or not. the authorize.net folks thought it might be causing a conflict.


Hope this helps,



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it's been a while since i setup my AIM module, the problem I had was that one of the files in the contrib had to be modifed to point to curl directory and curl.exe file, and then it turn out that I have a older ver. of curl so I downloaded the new verision and it work great.

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I was told to turn off my old site for automatic processing. I don't know if this was required or not. the authorize.net folks thought it might be causing a conflict.


Hope this helps,



What "old site" are you speaking of? I just set up a new store and I followed your instructions on the setup section at the Authorize.net site. I put in my transaction key along with my username in the admin section of the OScommerce store on my site.


Do I need SSL turned on? Maybe that is the problem, but I don't see where to turn that on.


Thanks for all the help!



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