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help with code for subcategories


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hey gang,


have been trying to figure out how to code a certain situation - actually took me more time to figure out what i wanted or at least how to explain it - so hope the time wasn't wasted.


i have a store with several categories - each category will have 1 tier of subcategories - right now if you click on category - you get the subcategories - click on a subcategory and get a product listing page - no problem works great


problem is that half subcategories have hundreds of products and other half have only 1 product -

what i would like is to have the cart check for the number of products in the subcategory - if there is only 1 product, then i would like the cart to call directly to the product description page (product_info.php/cPath/3/products_id/1) (instead of product listing page - index.php/cPath/3) - if there is more than one product in that subcategory, than have it display the product listing page -



any ideas anyone ..... just not getting this to work well - am running 2.2 ms2 heavily modded.



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