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Authorize.net + PWA issues..


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I have OSC 2.2 installed at http://www.littleaeroplanefactory.com/index.php at the moment, and only run a few contribs, one of which is PWA_0.71, and the default authorize.net module. My problem is, I cannot see authorize.net as a payment option in test OR production, it just says "This is currently the only payment method available to use on this order". If I try to order another item after that one, I get an error:

Please select a payment method for your order.


When I finally do get there, I get another small problem:


htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/www/littleaeroplanefactory/includes/functions/general.php on line 42


I then have a problem when authorize.net processes the order:


The following errors have occurred.

(13) The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive.


This is probably due to me not setting up Response/Receipt URLs at authorize.net


So my questions are:

1: How can I get my authorize.net module to show up as a payment option in production and test mode


2: What do I have to fix to get rid of "htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/www/littleaeroplanefactory/includes/functions/general.php on line 42"


3: Can I use the AIM consolidated module with PWA safely? (I used beyond compare to check the files, and found some things not compatible, so installing it would require some modifications I do not understand)


4: Is there another way to use AIM rather than weblink with this cart? (other contribs that work well, especially with PWA installed...)


Thanks to all of your contributions I will have a kickin web site!

Jesse Rooney

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Ok, found some workarounds and sacrifices for some of the issues:


To fix the error: htmlspecialchars() expects parameter

I turned off the zone in my payment modules....that means I cannot charge tax for the state. This can pose a problem with the IRS later if not resolved yadda yadda, but its working


That also fixed the option for authorize.net, so now it shows up as a payment option, although you cannot select the type of card.. (is it automatically selected now?)


I can process a test card in test mode, woooheee!!!


I cannot process a regular card in normal mode (had to turn card verification off cause that data isnt sent to authorize.net, and also had to add checkout_process.php as a URL for adc to work.)


I now only have two real problems, I now get the error:

There has been an error processing your credit card. Please try again.


and I want to use AIM consolidated or some mod for AIM, but PWA doesnt work with AIM consolidated, and thats the only contrib I have found that has AIM.


Any suggestions on the error and another method other than the default authorize.net payment option?

Jesse Rooney

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I tried it again, still getting:

htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/www/littleaeroplanefactory/includes/functions/general.php on line 42


in the delivery address section....bleh


So, when I went to my account (pwa stores your data still), I added another address, and that may have jerked it to work, but I for sure cannot get the delivery address to show correctly due to a chunk of code with a bad character somewheres, anyone find this fix?

Jesse Rooney

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