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i have just spent a while installing "Current Auctions" contrib, but it has put 5 copies of the infobox as you can see Here



"because it'll hurt more"- the greatest film of all time?


did you only make a change only in column_left.php? Go check the file /catalog/includes/column_left.php and make sure there is only one instance of :


include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'auctions.php');


I don't know why 5 instances would show up. If it doesnt work upload you 'backup' files and try again.


it may be something to do with me having "bought" my osc installation and having lost of other contribs added, my column left looks like this


 $Id: column_left.php,v 1.2 2003/09/24 15:34:33 wilt Exp $

 osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions

 Copyright (c) 2002 osCommerce

 Released under the GNU General Public License

 $column_query = tep_db_query('select display_in_column as cfgcol, infobox_file_name as cfgtitle, infobox_display as cfgvalue, infobox_define as cfgkey, box_heading, box_template, box_heading_font_color from ' . TABLE_INFOBOX_CONFIGURATION . ' where template_id = ' . TEMPLATE_ID . ' and infobox_display = "yes" and display_in_column = "left" order by location');
 while ($column = tep_db_fetch_array($column_query)) {

if ( file_exists(DIR_WS_TEMPLATES . TEMPLATE_NAME . '/boxes/' . $column['cfgtitle'])) {
$infobox_define = $column['box_heading'];
$infobox_template = $column['box_template'];
$font_color = $column['box_heading_font_color'];
$infobox_class = $column['box_template'];
require(DIR_WS_TEMPLATES . TEMPLATE_NAME . '/boxes/' . $column['cfgtitle']);
include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'current_auctions.php');


i know that it is different but does anyone know what / where i need to change it?

"because it'll hurt more"- the greatest film of all time?


Im not sure if this could be a problem, but check your template directory and see if there is any file in there that is calling out the infoboxes. And if there is then put the current_auction.php in that file. Cause in your column_left file, its not calling out the category box, your authors and everything else on the left column.


i cant find out how to do it, any help would be great

"because it'll hurt more"- the greatest film of all time?


I was just looking over your coding for that file and I wonder if this would work, instead of haveing

require(DIR_WS_TEMPLATES . TEMPLATE_NAME . '/boxes/' . $column['cfgtitle']);
include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'current_auctions.php');


at the end, try to change it to

require(DIR_WS_TEMPLATES . TEMPLATE_NAME . '/boxes/' . $column['cfgtitle']);
include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'current_auctions.php');


Its worth a try to check it out


when i do that it gets rid of them all, it doesnt show one, thanks for the suggestion though

"because it'll hurt more"- the greatest film of all time?

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